
Hej. If you need any support we are happy to help. Please check out our help documents before contacting:

Troubleshooting & FAQ

Documentation: How to set up the banner.


Get your invoice here: Stripe Customer Portal

Changing payment methods or subscription management

This can be done in the Stripe Customer Portal as well.

What to include in support request

Please add those information to your request. This will help speed up the support. Thank you.

  • Affected Domain
  • WP Version
  • PHP Version
  • Plugin Version
  • Premium Add-on version, if applicable
  • For free users: export of the banner settings. Can be found under: Cookie Banner Settings > Im & Export, Field: JSON Config
  • For premium add-on user: export of all the banner settings. Can be found under: Cookie Banner Settings > Im & Export, Field: All Settings
  • Screenshots, Screenvideos and a detailed error description. Especially screenshots and error messages of the browser console are very helpful.
  • Log entries of the time the error or bug happened

Send your request to: