For feature request please go to:
- REFACTOR: Improved error messages in admin when WordPress API is unavailable.
- NEW: Blocklist support for Banner 2: It now works with same blocklist as banner 1.
- NEW: Versioning of blocking rules, for more info see changelog.
- FIX: sometimes Banner 2 config UI in admin was not loaded.
- NEW: support for Microsoft Clarity consent
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed exception for officially not supported WP version < 5.2 for Banner 2
- FIX: NoticeFunction _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly in WP 6.7
- REFACTOR: Import API improvements
- REFACTOR: When saving: translatable check is now default false, and throws no exception anymore.
- support for WordPress 6.7
- NEW: support for Microsoft UET consent mode
- IMPROVEMENT: with consent mode retrieval “inline” a consent_mode_update event is pushed to dataLayer
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved compatibility with WordPress 6.6
- IMPROVEMENT: Minor performance improvements
- FIX: Banner 2 did not show up on some PHP versions in combination with WP versions < 6.5
- FIX: for Banner 2 there was sometimes an invalid state, which made it impossible to configure it.
- IMPROVEMENT: Multilanguage: WPML is only default selected, if it is installed.
- REFACTOR: Google Consent Mode: improved check, if consent was updated
- REFACTOR: improved JSON validation
- FIX: Via the API you can now update new banner fields
- REFACTOR: consent mode update now more robust when it comes to caching plugins
- REFACTOR: renaming global JS variable in admin to more unique name
- REFACTOR: removed wp_localize_script
- REFACTOR: Using now wp_enqueue_script_module to enqueue new banner script for WP >= 6.5
- NEW: Second banner available with different features. Please make sure you have installed version >= 4.1 of the main plugin.
- FIX: PHP notice if WPML detection was enabled, in some cases.
- FIX: Removed error if main plugin is deleted before deactivation of addon.
- NEW: Added Hubspot Chat and Hubspot Forms to default blocking rules.
- NEW: Added settings to change method to retrieve consent mode updates, to mitigate aggressive caching issues.
- IMPROVEMENT: consent update gets own script to avoid possible caching issues.
- REFACTOR: API Endpoints are registered always. Active check is done in callback.
- REFACTOR: Improved error handling for Block Services Script (nscBlockScript.js).
- REFACTOR: Added null checks to nsc_bara_after_update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.5
- IMPROVEMENT: Blocking rule: Google Analytics blocking rule includes now GA4 as well.
- IMPROVEMENT: License Key is now masked and not provided in export anymore.
- REFACTOR: Preparations for multiple banner support
- NEW: Support for new compliance type: Differentiated Consent – deny
- IMPROVEMENT: Works better now with cache plugins, like liteSpeed.
- FIX: In some installation settings page was not available after installation of premium plugin.
- FIX: JS errors in admin due to missing null checks.
- FIX: dataLayer renaming was not working for default consent mode push.
Minimum version of parent plugin needed: 3.2.0
- IMPROVEMENT: Google Consent Mode – update command now additionally triggered after every page view, if user interacted with banner before.
- IMPROVEMENT: dataLayer name can now be customized for Consent Mode as well
- FIX: no error in Google Tagmanager section anymore, if URL is empty.
- NEW: Google Consent Mode v2 support. Added support for ad_user_data and ad_personalization
- NEW: Added “All Settings” field to Im & Export section
Minimum version of parent plugin needed: 3.0.0
- NEW: Google Consent Mode Support.
- NEW: You can now reset your custom services in block services section.
- IMPROVEMENT: API is now available, if banner is deactivated in admin settings. To disable the API the addon needs to be deactivated in plugin section.
- NEW: Export and Update all your settings with the new cookie banner settings API. You need at least version 2.14.1 of the main plugin.
- NEW: you can now use any SVG icon for the cookie settings tab. You need at least version 2.14.0 of the main plugin for this feature.
- IMPROVEMENT: Blocked Services – made blocking services more robust. The old rules got now a legacy flag, but can still be used.
- FIX: with some WP configurations blocked services settings window was not loaded.
- compatibility with 6.3
- FIX: If banner delay is configured, there was a JS error in the console.
- FIX: non translatable fields were not stored correctly with wpml enabled
- REFACTOR: switched deprecated icl_get_languages with wpml_active_languages. SUPPORTS now only WPML Version >=3.2
- REFACTOR: updated update endpoint.
- NEW: IM & Export works now for all languages
Minimum version of parent plugin needed: 2.13
- NEW: possibility to append banner for real
- NEW: change the order of the buttons
- FIX: Settings for block scripts now visible, if banner is deactivated
- NEW: added option to enqueue the blocking script helper. This might help with caching plugin.
- NEW: Blocking Services can now block async. Needed for some caching plugin.
- NEW: You can now fully customize the URL from which a tag manager is loaded. Even use a different tag manager then GTM.
- FIX: blockingScript does not rely on HTMLScriptElement anymore.
- FIX: the last entry of the blocking service can now be removed as well.
Minimum version of parent plugin needed: 2.12
- FEATURE: Let the Google Tag Manager now be loaded by this plugin: docs and benefits.
- REFACTOR: changes at the blockScripts.js
- FEATURE: added new endpoint: blockedServices
Minimum version of parent plugin needed: 2.11.1
- IMPROVEMENT: improved sanitation rules
- FIX: custom services in block services section could not be saved proberly.
- REFACTOR: custom services in block services are now saved with wp-json api.
The main plugin and the add-on had a security audit. There were no critical vulnerabilities found in the add-on. In this version recommended improvements to security have been implemented.
- FIX: Minor security fix: added defined(‘ABSPATH’)
- FIX: Minor security fix: instead of only sanitizing, the IP input for stats module, it is now validated.
- FIX: Default capability is manage_options
- REFACTOR: remove unused file and method.
- IMPROVEMENT: Needed script tags got an id and data attributes to prevent caching of those.
- REFACTOR: cookie and script blocking action hook is now as early as possible: lowest integer.
Please update main plugin to version 2.10.0, before updating.
- FEATURE: user permissions are now configurable with capability
- FEATURE: Consent status is now configurable, for close x and “just info”
- IMPROVEMENT: added support for showing banner with delay
- FIX: update to 1.5.4 was not recognized
- FIX: Google Translate was not blocking all relevant domains.
- FIX: With some rare webserver configurations blocked the blocking page in admin panel.
- WP 6.1 compatibility
- FIX: Undefined constant “NSC_BARA_PLUGIN_VERSION”
- IMPROVEMENT: added google fonts blocking support.
- FIX: caching problem: after adding a licence the new license was not recognized until the update transient was expired. Which took up to 24h.
- FEATURE: added support for translating the custom close text.
- FIX: youtube blocking was too greedy, blocked links as well. Please check if after updating the blocking still works as you expect it.
- IMPROVEMENT: WP 6.0 compatibility
- FIX: in some rare situations you were logged out, if using the language drop down
- FEATURE: add a block list
- FIX: in some installations there was an error message “Unable to load nsc_bar-cookie-consent” when changing the language
- FIX: PHP Warning
Undefined variable $success
- compatibility to WP 5.9
- transients are now cached per version
- Improvement: added source to IP calculation for easier debugging.
- REFACTOR: made get user ip nicer and added X_REAL_IP
- FIX: all fields from api and header are now sanitized in stats module.
- FEATURE: statistics
- Bugfix: host name calculation for iframe was not solid.
- Improvement: added fields for update.
- Bugfix: fixed caching bug: result was not cached: so too many server request
- Bugfix: removed NOtice from logs: HTTP_HOST in languages was not always defined.
- Improvement: global message if license problems.
- Improvement: validation is now with filter possible. parent plugin version >2.6.4 Delete update transient when storing license key.
- Bugfix: under certain circumstances a 404 was produced.
- added block services feature
- added support for freely placable links
- initial release